Reeves'first observation is that the final deliverable for an engineering effort is "some type of documentation"( my italics). Reeves首先观察到,一项工程最终交付的成果是“某种类型的文档”。
Make sure the business services'QoS is aligned with the planned engineering effort. 确保业务服务的QoS与计划的工程工作一致。
The next point Reeves makes is about the cost of manufacturing, which generally isn't considered part of the engineering effort but is part of the overall cost estimate for a engineered artifact. Reeves接下来的观点是关于制造成本的,制造成本通常不算工程的一部分,但是是工件的总体成本估计的一部分。
In the past, CSC engagement teams often looked for ways to bring Catalyst and RUP together on a project level, but they could never justify the considerable engineering effort required. 在过去,CSC雇用团队经常寻找在项目级上把Catalyst和RUP合在一起的方法,但是他们从来不确定需要的工程方面的努力有多大。
For programs with heavy-duty I/ O, such inconsistencies imply a significant engineering effort for porting the code across platforms. 对于I/O操作较多的程序,这样的不一致就意味着需要进行大量的工程工作才能在平台间移植代码。
This made basic sense as financial engineering& an unsentimental effort to work around risks, selection biases, moral hazards and human foibles that could lead to disaster. 这样做大致合乎财务工程的道理,回避了风险、选择偏见、道德风险、人性弱点等问题。
This patch represented a large engineering effort, to make the physics, networking and hit registration work much better. 这个补丁代表了一个大型工程的努力,以使物理、网络和打登记工作得更好。
This results in less wiring and engineering effort. 这使布线和工程设计工作量较小。
Rather than paying for scientific and engineering effort as they have done for the past 200 years, idea-hungry patrons are returning to the 18th century, and paying for results. 渴求创意的赞助人不再像过去200年那样为科学和工程研究活动付费,而是重新采用了18世纪的做法:为结果付费。
And this project represents a global engineering effort for ThyssenKrupp Elevator with participation from many countries, including Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Switzerland. 此项目是蒂森克虏伯电梯和众多参与国,包括巴西,加拿大,德国,意大利,韩国和瑞士等很多国家进行的全球性工程技术成果。
Crafting such targeted malware takes a high engineering effort and goes to show how lucrative the malware "business" is becoming. 如此以恶意软件为目标的产业带来了高级工程计划,并将表明多么有利的的恶意软件“生意”正在发展起来。
This project is meant to be a substantial independent research or engineering effort related to material we have studied in class. 专题意味着相当独立的研究或工程成果,关乎所学的课堂知识。
Here creative engineering has been making a diligent, all-out effort to produce time-saving features and benefits, at the same time improving quality. 这里创造性工程一直勤奋,全力生产节省时间的功能和优点,同时提高质量。
Financial management innovation in a hospital is a systems engineering, needs everyone at different levels makes long-term unremitting effort. 医院财务管理创新是一个系统工程,需要各方面长期不懈的努力。
The company you work for is considering instituting a company-wide software process modelling effort, and plans to set up a Software Engineering Process Group to take responsibility for this effort. 你就职的企业正打算建立公司范围的软件过程模式,并计划建立一个软件工程过程组来执行这项任务。
Chinese companies are preparing for a wave of investments in Europe in engineering and technology as part of an effort to find new markets and gain greater control of global supply chains, according to bankers and industry experts. 据银行家和业内专家称,为了找寻新市场、并在全球供应链中获得更大的控制权,中国公司正准备在欧洲工程和技术领域掀起一轮投资热潮。
The investment analysis of engineering project is a very complex system evaluation. The paper puts merely forth effort to provide reference for the decision-maker to select method and financing model basing on the risk analysis. 工程项目的投资分析是一个非常复杂的系统评价问题,本文研究的目标是在风险分析的基础上,为投资者进行方案选择、项目融资提供一定的参考和借鉴。
Large scale MIS development is an arduous and complicated systematic engineering which takes both time and effort. 大型MIS开发是一项费时费力的艰巨复杂的系统工程。
Systematic and complete engineering design archives can develop the function of certificate, reference, and sci-tech reserve. It is necessary to raise with an effort the filing integrity of engineering design documents from the aspects of system, personnel, and method. 系统、齐全的工程设计档案可以充分发挥凭证、查考、科技储备的作用,有必要从制度、人员、方法几个环节努力提高工程设计文件材料的归档完整率。
Via analyzing electromagnetic environment characteristics in ship satellite equipment, combining with practical engineering experiences and adopting several effective measures in implementation, we can optimize the design effect and get twice the result with half the effort. 通过分析舰载卫星设备的电磁环境特点,结合实际工程经验,并在设计实现上采取了多种技术的有效措施,使电磁兼容性设计效果达到最优化,收到了事半功倍的效果。
Software Engineering High Effort Model Using Neural Networks 使用神经网络的软件工程成本模型
However, it is a long-term engineering, required the active participation and effort of all sectors together. 但冰冻三尺非一日之寒,治理会计风险也是一项长期系统工程,需要社会各界积极参与,共同努力。
Background: Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, BMSCs ( BMSCs) are taken as a promising cell source for cartilage tissue engineering. Much effort has been focused on BMSCs which possess great research significance and extensive application prospects. 研究背景:骨髓间充质干细胞(bonemarrowMesenchymalstemcells,BMSCs)是软骨组织工程中倍受关注的种子细胞,具有很高的研究意义和广泛的应用前景。
In China, Engineering construction supervision, as the emerging business recently, has gradually come onto the right track of legal system through 20 years 'effort, with considerable development and improvement in quantity and quality of supervisory enterprises and supervisory staff. 在我国,工程建设监理作为近年来新兴的行业,经过20多年的努力,已逐步走上法制化轨道,监理企业和监理人员从数量和质量上都有了很大的发展和提高。
For example, for complex engineering structures having numerous parameters to be updated, the optimization problems are often ill-conditioned or require considerable computational effort resulting in slow convergence speeds. 比如在修正复杂工程结构时,往往由于修正参数过多,容易导致病态的优化问题、优化过程收敛速度慢和计算量大等等。
Research on software testing method is an important branch in software engineering. Software testing is the key of software quality ensurance, amounting to 40% or more of the total software development effort is spent on software testing. 软件测试方法研究是软件工程中重要研究分支之一,软件测试是软件质量保证的关键技术,占软件开发总工作量的40%甚至更多。
The prevention of duty crime is a socialization system engineering which is needed joint effort of all society. 预防职务犯罪工作是项社会化系统工程,需要全社会共同努力。